TEFL Course, Details & Registration

Before enrolling in any courses, we recommend that you speak with our advisor who will answer your questions, review your employment prospects for teaching English abroad, and assist you with the enrollment process.

We strongly recommend enrolling in your intensive TEFL course as far in advance as possible. 


In Indonesia you will need a TEFL Certificate and a degree to teach.  Bali is a world-famous island in the Indonesian archipelago. Located in the Java Sea.

Our TEFL course in Bali, Indonesia exceeds all international criteria, with emphasis
placed on practical teaching experience. Our directors and trainers have 50 + years of combined experience in both TEFL as well as gap year programs.

  • In-Person 4 Weeks, Full-Time
  • 3 + Locations in Asia
  • Meet/Exceed All Industry Accreditation Standards
  • University-Level Instructors
  • minimum 10 Hours Live Practice Teaching

Key Facts

Already qualified – Or not qualified enough, check out our other Courses & programs