Online TEFL certificates or In-country TEFL Certificate

Both online TEFL certificates and in-country TEFL certificates have their own advantages and considerations, particularly when it comes to practical experience and in-class teaching. Let’s compare them in terms of emphasis, practicum requirements, and suitability for both in-class and online teaching.

Online TEFL Certificate programs generally focus on theoretical knowledge, language teaching methodology, lesson planning, and assessment techniques. They provide a comprehensive understanding of teaching principles and strategies, often with interactive multimedia materials and resources.
In-country TEFL Certificate programs place a stronger emphasis on practical experience, cultural immersion, and real-life classroom teaching. They provide opportunities for participants to observe experienced teachers, teach real students, and receive feedback on their teaching skills.
Practicum Requirements:
While some online programs do include some practicum component, most do not, and trainees are often left not knowing how to teach. Which can be done through virtual classrooms or by recording and submitting teaching sessions. However, the level of interaction with real students is almost non-existent, with some online programs, not offering practicum at all and the feedback may come from support instructors rather than experienced teachers or students.
In-country TEFL Certificate programs typically require a significant number of in-class teaching hours as part of their practicum, so often exceeds the required 20 hours. Trainees have the chance to teach real students in real classroom settings, receive direct feedback from experienced instructors, and refine their teaching techniques based on the needs of diverse learners.


Suitability for In-Class and Online Teaching:
Online programs are well-suited for individuals who are interested in teaching English online or in blended learning environments. They provide training on using technology in language teaching and adapting instructional methods for online platforms. Online TEFL certificates can also be a starting point for gaining practical experience before transitioning to in-class teaching.
In-country programs are more suitable for individuals who aim to teach English in traditional classroom settings, particularly in a specific country or region. They offer firsthand experience in managing classrooms, developing rapport with students, addressing cultural challenges, and adapting teaching strategies to different learning environments.

In summary, online TEFL certificates are convenient for acquiring theoretical knowledge and may include some practicum component, but the teaching experience is often simulated, remote or non existent. In-country TEFL/TESOL courses provide much more hands-on experience through in-class teaching, cultural immersion, and direct feedback from experienced instructors. The choice between the two depends on your preferred teaching context (in-class or online) and the level of practical experience you desire.

Written by Debra Mann – 15/05/2023 –updated 24/6/2024