The top 5 reasons to Teach Abroad

TEFL Freedom started at the beginning of the pandemic, January 2020 and what a roller coaster it’s been, imagine all the hard work of setting up a business, then bang! Covid hit, not once, but twice, so basically 2022 is my third attempt.

But what that has given me, is time, time to analyse, what makes our community, so brilliant and why has it grown so quickly, also what are my community’s needs and how we can help them.

I recently asked the group of now 31,000 members and growing daily, what is the top reason to teach abroad, and the results were surprising!

Giving back 5% – scored lowest, it was certainly one reason why I started teaching in the first place, but only 4% of the group felt this was their reason, maybe it is just not a priority right now, or maybe they misinterpreted the question, but it was very low. I do think that even though it scored low, when you start to teach, you automatically know you are helping shape students future. But it’s not something that seems high on many new teachers’ agenda who are wanting to teach abroad right now.

Yolo 5% – One of the reasons for choosing to teach abroad was that You Only Live Once, it was second to last and still scored low.I would have thought, that after the last few years, of lockdowns more people would be feeling, an escape from the new normal would give them something to strive for, like living abroad, an adventure or changing their career.These last few years have certainly made me feel, don’t put off until tomorrow, what can be done today.Change of Career 21% – Now we are getting somewhere, 21% wanted to change their Jobs, why you ask? Salary was number 1, followed closely by Career Satisfaction. Unsatisfactory Leadership. Work Flexibility. And finally Changing Philosophy and Goals.
The EdX survey also found that 39% changed careers did so for a salary increase. But teaching abroad, the money is not as high as western salaries, however the work life balance certainly beats the $$ and in many cases it can be higher, it depends on what job you currently have.

Money 28% – Well let’s move onto money, 28% wanted to teach abroad because of the money, and I am being honest here, salaries unless you are a highly qualified teacher, teaching in an international school, then salaries are not fantastic, they are however good in terms of work, life balance and disposable income.Meaning you may be able to save a bit as well as have an amazing life in your host country, but not every country.For instance, the average salary say in Spain is between $800- $1500 depending which school and how many hours you work.The cost of living in Spain can be around those figures too.So, you break even.But places like Vietnam you could earn $1500 – $2500 again depending which school you work for.I am talking native speakers here, unfortunately the pay scale differs from which country you are from. So, if money is your main motivator, investigate it carefully.

Adventure 39% – The biggest reason for teaching abroad is for the adventure, which doesn’t surprise me, mainly because it was my reason, along with all the above. I was 52, needed a change in career and wanted to escape the rat race, and I love an adventure.I thought I’d do it for a year, I’m happily still here 6 years later.

Taking my TEFL certificate has enabled me to travel to Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, Indonesia, Kuala Lumper, Singapore, China, Greece, Italy, I spent a month in Spain, saw many beautiful islands.I have met so many people and I am not afraid of going anywhere on my own.I told someone recently how nervous I used to be, going on holiday, and staying in the resorts! I laugh at myself now, how silly I was, taking my teaching qualification has given me the confidence I wish I had in my 20’s.

So, if you ask me, it’s the best investment you will ever give yourself, what are you waiting for?

Written by Debra Mann – Oct 2022